
Hip Fracture Treatment With Surgical Screws

A hip fracture occurs when the top of the femur or thighbone breaks. This break can occur in several areas of the femur and depending on the severity and location of the injury, there are a number of treatment options.

Hip pinning, also known as internal fixation or fracture treatment with surgical screws is one of several possible repair options for a fractured hip.

Hip fracture treatment with surgical screws is usually reserved for patients who have a fracture in the head of the femur, have not damaged the bone, and in cases where the bone has not shifted significantly out of place. Surgical screws – either multiple small screws or one large screw – may be used for intracapsular hip fractures in young patients who are able to heal well. Intertrochanteric hip fractures and subtrochanteric hip fractures can also be repaired with plates, screws and/or nails depending on the injury.

Recovery from fracture fixation with surgical screws is similar to that of other hip fracture procedures that do not involve joint replacement. Approximately three to six weeks will be required before the patient can put their full weight on the affected side. From there, up to nine months of recovery may be required before full function is regained. During this time, appropriate rest and physical therapy to allow for proper healing is critical to speeding up the recovery and ensuring a successful procedure.

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