
Ankle Injury & Treatments

Over one million people in the United States sustain an ankle injury every year. Ankle pain can interfere with normal activities of daily living in ways many people don’t even realize. Whether you have an ankle sprain, dislocation, fracture, or if you need ankle surgery, we want you to know that we are here to help you get back on your feet again and start living your life as fully as possible. There are various solutions to whatever problems you may be experiencing, so if you are having ankle pain and think or know you have sustained an injury, call the office of Dr. James Manning for a professional consultation. Dr. Manning is an Orthopaedic Surgeon specializing in the ankle and foot. We can help to identify the root of the problem and determine exactly what kind of treatment would be best for you.

Specific types of ankle injuries and conditions include:

    • Ankle sprains
    • High ankle sprain (syndesmosis ligament injury)
    • Jones fractures
    • LisFranc (midfoot) fracture-dislocation
    • Stress fractures of the foot and ankle
    • Tibial fractures
    • Gout

Dr. James Manning has been in practice and serving the community since 1988. He is a member of numerous medical associations including being Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Dr. Manning has the qualifications, experience and desire to help you with any ankle problems you may have, whether it may be an ankle sprain or the need for ankle surgery.

Call 702-228-7355 today and schedule your consultation.

Ankle Conditions

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Ankle Procedures

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Ankle FAQs

What will Dr. Manning do to diagnose my ankle problem?

We use a variety of methods to diagnose your specific ankle problem, including a physical exam, X-rays, and even a CT scan or MRI.

Will I have to have surgery?

Dr. Manning will do a full exam to determine your specific injury and will advise you of procedures indicated as well as their risks, benefits and alternatives. If surgery is required, you will likely be able to have this done as an outpatient procedure and will be asked to elevate the affected leg for the first twenty-four hours after surgery and intermittently apply ice to the area to reduce swelling and pain. You may be given support devices, including crutches, to use after surgery while you heal.

What kind of rehabilitation will I need? How long will it take? Will it relieve my pain?

The answers to these questions vary depending on each individual. Many times physical therapy will be instituted following any surgical procedure. The doctor will fully discuss with you what options are available for your treatment and recovery, and any restrictions such as non-weight bearing or no driving that will be required. In the case of a broken bone, healing usually takes at least six weeks. There are many options available for treating pain, all of which will be discussed at your consultation.

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